Interview: I. Nakhla | Narcotics Police. | Information is reliable

Unless you’re living under a rock or in denial, you’re probably aware that the Earth is in trouble. Pollution is affecting our environment and one of its drivers is waste and wastage, which will be explored in an experimental audio production taking place at the Stockton ARC on Thursday 30thth possible.

WASTE is brought to you by I. Nakhla, an artist working on the edges of music, computational art, and sculpture. “I trained as a sculptor and I’m lucky enough to understand how artistic practice can be a dialogue between objects, subjects and spaces. My computer is like my studio, which means that software and programs are often where construction takes place . I’m interested in how music and computational practices challenge more traditional or gallery-like notions of placemaking and exhibition. My default setting is almost always music and text: I can practice wherever I am.

The sonic elements of I. Nakhla’s practice will be on display in WASTE, as they explain that their early influences can be traced back to dance music. “As a teenager, I listened to industrial drum, bass, and dubstep—before I was making art or music. In the early 2000s, producers like Noisia and Icicle allowed me to connect the gritty electronic music that I grew up with. linking sweaty places and mentality in the world—protest, grime, and community.

This project is made possible thanks to ARC’s open call for artists to participate in the fall 2023 “Make New Work” program. “Artists need funding and support to legitimize our profession and share experiences. The ARC is a unique institution that wants to work within the boundaries of theater and community arts.

WASTE sees I. Nakhla in dialogue with local communities to create works that fit their ideas. “These conversations are ongoing and it’s really informative to understand people’s different experiences with ‘waste’ while keeping the project non-partisan. What I’ve learned so far is that many people, regardless of background or political affiliation, all feel deeply powerless about their own experiences of environmental degradation, and are often ignored by those working for structural change.

In the final issue of WASTE, I. Nakhla, along with two selected creatives from the Teesside area and two Make New Work trainees, will present the results of their research in the form of an experimental audio performance, including Music, words, field recordings and catchy melodies. It challenges the narratives that determine what is classed as a “resource” and what is classed as “waste” and discusses who or what can be wasted.

I asked I. Nakhla what they think is driving society’s attitudes towards waste and whether our throwaway culture is starting to change? “One position might be that if we live in a society where profits are driven by consumption, then unless politicians provide financial incentives to big business and manufacturers to minimize the waste from continued consumption, we won’t see significant Change. I wish there was a different logic to which I could resort. The fact is that we don’t ‘throw away’ things.

The final edition of WASTE will be held at ARC Stockton on Thursday 30thth possible. Streaming recordings of some audio works will be made available through final measures Spottery account.

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