Yale School of Sacred Music: Conference: Ecology, Environmentalism, and Black Sacred Art

from May 13-15, 2024The Yale School of Sacred Music’s third Black Sacred Arts Conference will bring together scholars and artists in New Haven, Connecticut to explore the connections between Black sacred arts, ecology, and environmental issues.

Keynote speakers will include Tracy Hakes(link is external)Victor S. Thomas Professor of African Religious Studies at Harvard Divinity School, Suzanne Young Murray Professor of Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and Dianne M. Stewart(link is external)Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Religion and African American Studies at Emory University.

The conference will focus on diverse religious perspectives and diverse geographies of research and practice in the Black Atlantic, considering the connections between expressive culture and themes such as climate change, the biodiversity crisis, human and transhuman relations, extractive capitalism in Africa, and its diaspora, and the connections between ecology and ritual material culture. Our goal is to encourage interdisciplinary conversations about the entanglements between black sacred art, ecology, and environmental issues through sound, sight, and other senses, across religious, geographical, or other social categories across the Black Atlantic and beyond.

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