Artists sign open letter warning against ‘predatory’ use of artificial intelligence in music

Musicians and artificial intelligence. The non-profit Artists Rights Alliance says in a new open letter that artificial intelligence, if used irresponsibly, “poses a huge threat to our ability to protect privacy, identity, music and livelihoods.”


In a new open letter submitted by the non-profit Artists Rights Alliance, more than 200 artists call on artificial intelligence technology companies, developers, platforms, digital music services and platforms to stop using artificial intelligence to “violate and demean the human rights” of artists.

These names include Stevie Wonder, Robert Smith, Billie Eilish, Nicki Minaj, Rem, Peter Frampton, Jon Baptiste, Katy Perry , Sheryl Crow, Smokey Robinson, and the legacies of Bob Marley and Frank Sinatra.

The letter acknowledges the creative possibilities of new artificial intelligence technology while also addressing some of its threats to human art. These include using existing work without permission to train artificial intelligence models in an attempt to replace artists, thereby “significantly diluting the royalty pool paid to artists.”

The letter states: “Make no mistake: We believe that, if used responsibly, artificial intelligence has enormous potential to enhance human creativity and provide the development and development of new and exciting experiences for music fans around the world. increase.

“Unfortunately, some platforms and developers are using artificial intelligence to undermine creativity and harm artists, songwriters, musicians, and copyright holders. If used irresponsibly, artificial intelligence has a negative impact on our protection of privacy, Identity, music, and ability to make a living pose a huge threat.

“If left unchecked, artificial intelligence will create a race to the bottom that will reduce the value of our work and prevent us from being fairly compensated,” the letter continues. “This attack on human creativity must stop. We must prevent the predatory use of artificial intelligence to steal the voices and likenesses of professional artists, violate creators’ rights, and disrupt the music ecosystem.

The full letter has been provided here.

Artists Rights Alliance is an artist-led nonprofit that advocates for musicians in an unstable digital economy.

This is far from the first time artists have spoken out against AI, particularly when it comes to protecting performers from AI’s potential dangers, such as better ensuring that generative AI tools can’t copy an artist’s voice without their consent .

After a song that uses AI to imitate the voices of Drake and The Weeknd went viral on the internet last yearDrake expressed dissatisfaction with the song, which was generated using an artificial intelligence voice cloner and appeared on Spotify and Apple Music before being abruptly removed.

Other artists have since weighed in, with Nick Cave labeling ChatGPT and AI songwriting ” A grotesque mockery of human nature “, while veteran soul singer Lee Fields On European News Culture Artificial intelligence “will become the biggest opponent for future artists.”

However, not all musicians are opposed to the use of artificial intelligence throughout the music industry.

Canadian electronic artist Grimes thinks streaming services like Spotify should have Specially selected AI songseven encouraging fans to use her voice “without penalty” (adding that she would share royalties from successful tracks generated by artificial intelligence using her voice).

DJ David Guetta is another big name supporting the use of artificial intelligence tools in music, while legend Nile Rodgers tell european news culture While using AI-generated sounds to copy someone else’s voice is “scary,” using AI to “express yourself artistically and make better music is awesome.”

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