Free street art and music festival in Paris churches: a crossroads of art

À la croisée des arts is the name of this street art festival, which takes place in the heart of a church in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. From June 21 to 23, 2024, the Church of Joan of Arc in the village of Reye will host about 50 pieces of street art, performances and food. The festival also includes concerts! Since admission is free, we wouldn’t miss it.

festive street art festival and exception music Festival In (Desacralization, we promise you) church – That’s it now! this Reye Villagein my heart Jeanne de Chapelle The Arc, located in District 14, is a place worth visiting June 21-23, 2024discovering a completely transformed space urban artist.

Street Art Festival “Crossroads of Art” video:

At the crossroads of art is the name of a holiday that is sure to please, as it combines food, music and urban art All in one place. The event was hosted by the Five Monkeys Association and showcased the talents of the five monkeys 16 street artists Who creates work inspired by the theme? music. On the discovery menu, about fifty Exhibit original works.

At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7414At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7414At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7414At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7414

At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival of Sainte-Saint-Female and Music Festival 2024 - A7C7421 HDRAt the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival of Sainte-de-France & Music Festival 2024 - A7C7421 HDRAt the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival of Sainte-de-France & Music Festival 2024 - A7C7421 HDRAt the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival of Sainte-Saint-Female and Music Festival 2024 - A7C7421 HDR

For three days, visitors can enjoy this Unusual street art exhibition,join concert, programme, jam session and more. This music festival also features Live painting Music-themed meetings and conferences for a complete, immersive experience.

Street performers include:

At the crossroads of art, the 14th free street art festival at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris and the Music Festival 2024 - SAX - TegmoAt the crossroads of art, the 14th free street art festival at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris and the Music Festival 2024 - SAX - TegmoAt the crossroads of art, the 14th free street art festival at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris and the Music Festival 2024 - SAX - TegmoAt the crossroads of art, the 14th free street art festival at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris and the Music Festival 2024 - SAX - Tegmo

At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7398At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7398At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7398At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7398

At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7347At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7347At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7347At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7347

At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7328At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7328At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7328At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7328

festival program

Friday, June 21st:

  • 5pm to 8.30pm: Exhibition opening
  • 8:30-10:00pm: Concert of Lily James and Lisa Lisa

Saturday, June 22:

  • 10 am to 8 pm: exhibition
  • 2pm to 7pm: Live painting
  • 8pm to 10pm: jam session

Sunday, June 23:

  • 10 am to 10 pm: exhibition
  • 2pm to 7pm: Live painting
  • 7-8pm: Dance performance
  • 8pm to 9pm: street art conference

Free events for everyone

this At the crossroads of art Festival is totally freeand is a celebration of art and music In an atypical venue. Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in a universe full of creativity and energy urban art and music create unforgettable experiences together.

At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7325At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7325At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapelle Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7325At the crossroads of art, the 14th Free Street Art Festival and Music Festival 2024 at the Chapel of Joan of Arc in Paris - A7C7325

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