PMAN leadership calls on Chinese Ambassador and calls for closer cooperation in music, art and culture

Author: Oji Onyekwere

The Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria (PMAN) has marked an important milestone with an official visit to the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria at the Chinese Embassy in Abuja.

The celebration was held in a warm atmosphere, symbolizing the profound friendship and cultural integration between China and Nepal. Leading the PMAN delegation was the respected Chairman, Mr. Pretty Okafor, whose dynamic leadership played an important role in promoting international cooperation.

The visit highlights the two countries’ shared commitment to deepening cultural ties through music and art.

The Chinese Ambassador warmly received the PMAN delegation and expressed his enthusiasm for the booming cultural exchange program.

The two sides discussed various initiatives aimed at using music as a tool for cultural diplomacy, mutual understanding and economic development.

The meeting turned into a lively celebration, a testament to the vibrant cultures of both countries.

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A performance of traditional Nigerian music and dance set the tone, followed by a captivating performance of Chinese music. This festive atmosphere emphasizes the unifying power of music, transcending language barriers and promoting shared cultural experiences.

Central to the discussions is a series of concerts in China and Nigeria.

The concerts are designed to celebrate each country’s rich musical heritage and include collaborations between Nigerian and Chinese artists. Mr. Preity Okafor emphasized the importance of these activities in promoting cultural exchanges and artistic innovation. “Music is a universal language that connects us,” he said.

Through these concerts, we aim to create a platform for our artists to showcase their talents and learn from each other’s traditions.

The collaboration between PMAN and the Chinese Embassy is expected to open new avenues for artists and cultural practitioners in both countries. By promoting mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s cultures, the initiative aims to create sustainable economic opportunities within the creative industries.

Cultural exchange programs and concerts are not only designed to entertain, but also to educate and inspire, promoting deeper connections between the people of Nigeria and China.

As PMAN and the Chinese Embassy continue to consolidate their cooperative relationship, the future of cultural diplomacy between the two countries is bright. Plans are underway for workshops, artist residencies and joint cultural programs that will further strengthen ties between Nigeria and China.

The upcoming concerts will serve as a cornerstone of these efforts, heralding a new era of collaboration and cultural enrichment.

PMAN’s visit to the Chinese Ambassador marks a critical moment in Nepal-China cultural relations. Under the visionary leadership of Mr. Pretty Okafor, PMAN is poised to play a key role in connecting cultures and nurturing a global community united through music.

These celebrations and planned concerts symbolize the beginning of an exciting journey of enhanced cultural exchange and mutual prosperity.

Pretty Okafor had this to say: “This is just the beginning. Together we will create harmony, not just in music, but in our hearts and minds, building a future where our culture unites and thrives.”

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