Performance art no longer tied to The Sound of Music « Burlington Gazette

Pepper Parr

May 30th2024

Burlington, Ontario

Tammy Foxx’s resignation couldn’t come at a better time. She worked with Steve Cussons to integrate the Performing Arts Center into the Sound of Music; to develop the BPAC stage as part of the festival.

Fox essentially became the artistic director of “The Sound of Music.” The Performing Arts Center is positioned as the host of the event.

The term “Performing Arts Center” has been removed from the image on the “Sound of Music” website.

No one – not even the city’s communications staff – said a word.

When we first saw this photo, we were confused. Tammy Fox and Steve Cussons facilitate BPAC and SoM coordination.

Ward councilor Lisa Kearns said there would be no impact on the festival. “Everything is in place and unaffected by the resignation.

Cassens, a former SoM board member, did not return calls. Tammy Fox has been “missing” for weeks.

The only thing we know is that the Performing Arts Center is no longer the host. BPAC’s name has been removed from the Sound of Music website.

Steve Cassens is not stupid. He is a very successful businessman and when he has something to say, he is not shy about saying it. Once, during a campaign, he tore several strips of clothing from Rick Goldring’s back as he chased him. There’s a good reason for his bumbling – we just don’t know what it is – but not yet.

Fox and Cousins ​​are both experienced media professionals. They know that when a damaging news story comes out, you have to get in front of it and at least try to control the narrative. So far that hasn’t happened – which is telling.

It’s obvious that this resignation (is it a resignation) is related to BPAC’s involvement in The Sound of Music.

There is no mention of cooperation with the Sound of Music in the existing BPAC strategic plan.

Fox did say that she wanted the Sound of Music event to take place on both stages at BPAC, and everyone at the time said “it’s a no-brainer.”

Did Tammy Fox resign in a huff when the board told her to maintain a sizable gap between BPAC and SoM?

There are so many unknowns—too many.

Related news reports:

Governance has been an issue for BPAC for some time.

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