Music | Visual and Performing Arts Department


Are you interested in doing anything music-related this semester? Whether you want to major or minor in music, find classes or join an ensemble, or just want to fulfill your fine arts core requirements, we have something for you! See below for an overview of what the Music Program offers.

academic courses

Music programs offer majors and minors in music, but you don’t have to pursue a degree to join an ensemble, take private lessons, or take courses. Each semester, full-credit courses in performance, music history, and music theory are offered to interested novices and more musically experienced students. Find more information about courses and majors.

Extracurricular and co-curricular activities

As someone interested in music, one question may come to mind: How do I participate in music at Loyola Conservatory of Music and earn academic credit at the same time?

The music program offers vocal and instrumental ensembles as well as private lessons, all of which are open to all Loyola students. We have two vocal ensembles (Concert Choir and Cantorei) and four instrumental ensembles (Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Chamber Ensemble and Steel Pan Ensemble). Auditions are required for vocal, chamber and jazz ensembles. No prior experience playing in the Steel Pan Ensemble is required. You can get more information about Loyola Ensemble through the Music Ensemble and Applied Courses tab, or contact the Ensemble Director for more details:

All ensembles receive credit! Ensemble is 1.5 credits per semester. Two semesters of ensemble courses count as 3 credits of general electives toward your program of study.

Private music lessons

Whether you’ve never played an instrument but always wanted to learn, or you’ve been teaching yourself for years, you can take private applied lessons in voice, most string instruments, wind instruments, and percussion instruments. (Note: Unless you are a pianist, you will need to have your own instrument to take lessons. If you don’t have one yet, our teachers can help you rent or purchase one.) All our applied course teachers are professional performers and excellent teachers.

Course location (on-campus or virtual) for the semester will be determined by the instructor.

Credit may also be earned for applied courses: 1 credit per 30-minute class per semester; 1.5 credit per 45-minute class per semester.

recording studio

The Loyola Music Program offers practical courses in recording (picking, tracking, mixing, and basic mastering) as well as synthesis, sequencing, and sampling. Students in the department’s courses work in Loyola’s recording studios (including control rooms, live studios, and vocal studios) and Loyola’s project studios and have 24/7 access.

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